What is reflexology?
Reflexology is a manual practice that aims at rebalancing the functions of the Being. The work is done by applying pressure, called "reflex touch", on certain parts of the body - most often the feet or the hands. Through this reflex touch, the reflexologist will stimulate different parts of the body at distance and thus promote homeostasis, the return to balance.
Reflexology is a soft practice, particularly indicated in the preventive maintaining of the well being of each one, or in the regularization of functional disorders.
A bit of history...
Reflexology has developed in different civilizations throughout the ages, and it would be uncertain to suggest a single origin to its appearance. Traces of reflexology were discovered in ancient Egypt more than 4'000 years ago, notably on the tomb of Ankhmahor, next to other hieroglyphs representing various types of treatments. It is also integrated in the founding books of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
More recently, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, Western doctors have been working on this practice. And it is finally Eunice Ingham (1889-1974), an American physiotherapist, who developed a working method and a complete mapping of the reflex zones on the feet. She is now considered the mother of modern reflexology after devoting her life to this subject. Today, the practice of reflexology is widespread and its benefits recognized in all civilizations, both Western and Eastern.
My practice
Beyond the pure technique, and in order to obtain a deep regularization of our inner self, the physical, mental but also emotional and energetic dimensions of our disorders must be taken into account.
This is why I chose to train myself in the practice of reflexology according to Chinese energy and thus to associate to the metabolic work on the body, keys of energetic reading and a psycho-emotional accompaniment.
Reflexology, as I propose it to you today, integrates the different dimensions of the Being, it constitutes a true holistic care, adapted to your needs of the moment.
My training : Reflexology according to the Chinese Tradition, Centre de Formation Mireille Meunier, France
Reflexology allows:
To maintain a general well-being (homeostasis)
To relieve muscular and articular pains
To reduce stress and anxiety
To find a better sleep
To relieve cardiovascular disorders
To restore a better blood and lymphatic circulation
To regulate the endocrine system (diabetes, thyroid, and other hormonal disorders)
To relieve urogenital disorders (premenstrual or menopausal disorders, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.)
To regulate the digestive system
To promote the elimination of waste from the body
To support the work of weight loss or the fight against an addiction
To regulate the respiratory system and relieve ENT disorders
To relieve migraines
To regulate the nervous system
To fight against skin problems